On My Mind

On My Mind

23,99 €

Reflections on Animal Behavior and Learning
"In this smart, engaging, and thought-provoking selection of essays, Karen Pryor weaves stories that illuminate the triggers of behavior and the process of learning. Join the millions of people who continue to learn from this master teacher"
Dr. Marty Becker, "America´s Veterinarian"


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Naturalist, scientist, and writer Karen Pryor has touched thousands of lives -both animal and human- through people how to, as she puts it, "create a climate of security in which it is safe to learn new things." Now the author of Don´t shoot the Dog and Reaching the Animal Mind offers anyone interested in animal behavior and insider´s wiew of her world. You´ll "hear" the conversations Karen has with the animals she trains; you´ll celebrate theri mutual break-throughs. Karen presents science with a personal touch and with humor -whether it´s laughing at her responses to her teakettle or investigating why sheep don´t herd themselves. On My Mind give a glimpse int othe mind of an early dolphin trainer who revolutionized the way we think about and communicate wiht animals- and each other.

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15x23 cm
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